Bewl Water Round Reservoir Walk – Photos

After visiting Bewl Water for the first time last Sunday in my 40 years of living 15 miles away I decided to go back 3 days later on a cold crisp sunny day and walk the Bewl Water Round Reservoir Walk. It’s a 13 mile round trip along the reservoir edge and along country lanes.

Route below – Click for a more detailed map at MapMyHike

As my last post said the reservoir was dammed in 1975 and filled with over 31,300 million litres of water (That’s 5 litres for every person in the world!). On various parts of the walk you can see where old country lanes were blocked off and carry on into the water. At one point also there is a bridleway that comes down from Chingley Manor and heads straight into the water.

Just one bit of advice, the main car park is £6 to park in. Park partway round the course for free and you can still walk all the way round and back to your car. I know we should pay for the upkeep of our countryside but £6 to park a car is extortionate…

Really useful facts!

► You could stack six London buses on top of one another in the deepest part of Bewl
and they would all be underwater!

► The surface area of Bewl is the same size as 436 Wembley football pitches!

► It would take 55,200 million pint milk bottles to hold the contents of Bewl and, if
placed next to each other, these would go around the world 105 times!

► The Amazon discharges an amount equivalent to the capacity of Bewl into the
Atlantic in 2 ½ minutes –the Thames would take 132 hrs to discharge the same
amount into the North Sea!

Bewl Water, Kent, UK

Nikon D40 : 55mm
f/11 : 1/160 sec : ISO 200

Bewl Water, Kent, UK

Nikon D40 : 18mm
f/11 : 1/50 sec : ISO 200

Bewl Water, Kent, UK

Nikon D40 : 18mm
f/11 : 1/125 sec : ISO 200

Bewl Water, Kent, UK

Nikon D40 : 55mm
f/11 : 1/125 sec : ISO 200

Bewl Water, Kent, UK

Nikon D40 : 18mm
f/11 : 1/60 sec : ISO 200

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~ by Mike on December 11, 2008.

4 Responses to “Bewl Water Round Reservoir Walk – Photos”

  1. A beautiful place to spend the day- I’m sure it was well worth it…and the long walk you made.

  2. Yep missed them :). xx

  3. thank you very much for showing us your route all the way around

  4. Mike, just found you photos of Bewl water. As a young engineer I worked for Medway water Board and I am the designer of the overflow tower and spent from 1973 to 1976 as part of the team supervising the construction of the dam, concrete structures and ancillary works. Your photos are a wonderful remiscence for me of some very enjoyable but long days spent on the site as the project grew.

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